Sunday, July 22, 2007

i hate my work

you might wonder at the title.
here i was all happy with my work and the challenges involved, and all of a sudden, you see me complaining.
well, i don't exactly hate the particular work i'm doing.
what i do hate is what my work does to me and does not let me do.
i don't have the freedom i used to. most of how i spend my time is dictated by my work.
when i was in medical school (seems so far away, doesn't it? it's actually been only a little over a year), there was more freedom.
i could cut class whenever i wanted. i remember cutting class the whole day just to watch all three episodes of LOTR (lord of the rings) at a stretch on my friend's computer. or sitting and playing extremely out-of-date versions of need for speed.
those were the days.
now, i have to be inside theatre almost before others have to be inside the loo. and i have to stay there till the last patient is safely transferred out. and the good lord save the junior anaesthetist seen with a mobile phone or book in the hand inside theatre!
was just reminded of these things when a friend of mine was going through a tough time and i could not contact her because of all these constraints. at that moment, i really wanted to be with her, or at least call her. we could, and did, liberally cut class when a friend needed something back in medical school. now it's just not possible.
wonder if 'those were the best days of my life' and they really will never come back?


Anonymous said...

i dn understand wats shokin abt it tho(as u mentioned in response to one of ur comments)
Don hav time to rite more(m at wrk)
But i was amused and now feel a bit light after i read ur post abt "home".. (been a bit upset cz i hav to return to my hostel bak 4m home after abt 2 mnths.)
Home is where we unpack... hehe.. how true..

Anonymous said...

hey dear.. com' something new..wat ever happened to the guy who was so gung ho about getting into his dream profession? don't let this get u down..

humpty dumpty said...

just that i never figured people would bother to read this intermittent jargon i spew out
i know the home thing, right now i'm terrible home sick too
can i just say i love to read your blog,
keep it up sweets

Anonymous said...

oh my.
what can i say. keep reading.:-)