Saturday, June 2, 2007

forced sabbatical, homosexuality, work stuff

hello, non-existent readers!!!!
was forced to take a break from pouring out my ? innermost thoughts by the temporary closing down of the computer center at the most user-friendly hours.
anyway, got back on the comp today and stumbled on an interesting article:

Facts, not flattery, about same-sex attraction on MercatorNet

wish i could drill some of these facts into my usual bunch of liberal friends
but as is my usual please-everyone-and -go-along-with-everyone-just-don't-openly-disagree policy, i usually don't.

oh, and in case you were wondering, work is going on well, thank you very much
did have a horrific day when i counter-punctured every i.v. line i tried to start. was much more exasperated at myself than my senior was for having to stand behind me and watch, and then having to do it again after i Had just bombed on the best vein on the patient's body
though that day has passes, have still not gotten over the habit of putting in a fervent though brief prayer to the Almighty just before poking the patient. good habit, i think.

anyways, be seeing ya (i'm hilarious!. i mean, who am i kidding? i know not one soul is reading this load of horse manure!)

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